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Pacific Gas & Electric Utility Assistance Programs

REACH (Relief for Energy Assistance through Community Help)


For more than 25 years, The REACH Program has provided emergency energy assistance to low-income families within the PG&E service territory who are in jeopardy of losing their electricity services, particularly the elderly, disabled, sick, working poor and the unemployed.

REACH is a one-time energy-assistance program sponsored by PG&E and administered through the Salvation Army from 170 offices in northern and central California. Those who have experienced an uncontrollable or unforeseen hardship may receive an energy credit up to $200, credit amount based on the past due amount of the bill. REACH assistance may be available once within an 18 month period, but exceptions can be made for seniors, the physically challenged and the terminally ill.

For more information, see our REACH Webpage.


CARE (California Alternate Rates for Energy)

provides a monthly discount on energy bills for income qualified households. See our CARE webpage


FERA (Family Electric Rate Assistance)

provides a monthly discount on electric bills for income qualified households of three or more persons. See our FERA webpage.

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