If you feel like you’ll never earn enough to make ends meet or are otherwise mis-informed about your financial abilities, try this: http://www.underearnersanonymous.org/index.html .
If you feel like you’ll never earn enough to make ends meet or are otherwise mis-informed about your financial abilities, try this: http://www.underearnersanonymous.org/index.html . If you are always struggling with bills, check this out: http://www.debtorsanonymous.org/help/signs.htm Sparkpoint MarinSparkpoint is a United-Way sponsored one-stop shop for financial advice and counseling, located in central San Rafael Classes have recently been scheduled for various Thursdays 1/12/12 through 5/31/12. You must register in advance for classes. For more information see THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THAT CLASS INFORMATION IS ACCURATE. BE SURE TO CHECK WITH THE HOST CLASS PROVIDER BEFORE ATTENDING. ALL TIMES ARE PACIFIC STANDARD OR PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIMES UNLESS OTHERWISE POSTED. WWW.GETMONEYSMART.INFO DOES NOT ENDORSE ANY CLASS INSTRUCTORS, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. MOST CLASSES ARE FREE OR COST IS MODEST. If you do not see a class that meets your needs, see also the category, “Financial Classes/Curricula-Ongoing” on the right-hand side of this page for additional class offerings. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SPARKPOINT MARIN/ CFR Money Management Series In conjunction with Community Financial Resources http://sparkpointcenters.org/about FREE CLASSES/WORKSHOPS- All on Thursdays at 6:00 pm, ending at 7:30 pm. All at Sparkpoint Marin Center, 409 4th Street, San Rafael, CA 2012 classes
“Building Savings; Building Wealth” May 17 “How Does Your Cash Flow?” May 31 MARINLINK Classes to be announced ___________________________________________________________________________________________ NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PERSONAL FINANCIAL ADVISORS (NAPFA) CONSUMER EDUCATION SERIES – FREE WEBINARS! To register, go to http://napfa.org/consumer/UpcomingSessions.asp Webinar Classes are generally Fridays at 10am Pacific Time
Classes to be posted shortly
WOMEN’S INITIATIVE for Self Employment focuses specifically on the needs of low-income women who are exploring a business idea, and offers business management training. Before enrolling in our business management training course, you must attend one of the FREE My Business Action Plan sessions listed below. Women’s Initiative’s My Business Action Plan workshop will guide you through a self-assessment of your business idea and help you develop next steps to launching your enterprise. This is the first in a series of classes designed to support your planning, marketing and other business management skills that will give you the tools necessary to start or expand your own business.
Forthcoming classes: TBA
Who makes the Beehive?
One Economy is a global non-profit based in Washington, D.C., whose mission is to ensure that every person, regardless of income and location, can maximize the power of technology to improve the quality of his or her life and enter the economic mainstream. Since One Economy launched The Beehive in 2001, we have helped over 18 million people worldwide connect to educational tools and services to inform and empower people to improve their lives.
We are thankful to our supporters, who include AOL Time Warner, Cisco Systems and many, many others for their efforts in helping us evolve and maintain the Beehive. Click here for the full list of our supporters . Financial literacy resources, lessons, games, quizzes. Visit us! Articles, tools and calculators to help you make better fianncial decisions. CFA is an advocacy, research, education, and service organization. As an advocacy group, CFA works to advance pro-consumer policies on a variety of issues before Congress, the White House, federal and state regulatory agencies, state legislatures, and the courts. Its staff works with public officials to promote beneficial policies, to oppose harmful policies, and to ensure a balanced debate on important issues in which consumers have a stake. Visit us! Advice of increasing your savings. Lot’s of practical tips and more. Visit us! America Saves is a nationwide campaign in which a broad coalition of nonprofit, corporate, and government groups helps individuals and families save and build wealth. Through information, advice, and encouragement, we assist those who wish to pay down debt, build an emergency fund, save for a home, save for an education, or save for retirement. See our website, www.americasaves.org. |
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