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Education Planning resources from www.mymoney.gov

Education planning tips, including student loans, fellowships, scholarships, grants, state financial aid, and college planning calculators. See http://www.mymoney.gov/education.shtml

Home Ownership Resources from www.mymoney.gov

A broad array of home ownership information, including steps toward buying a home, home loans, avoiding foreclosure, utility credits, and home ownership counseling resources: See http://www.mymoney.gov/smbus.shtml

Guide to Starting a Small Business

A guide to issues around starting a small business, including applying for a loan, business plans, marketing, franchises, working from the home and many other topics:


Basics of Saving and Investing

From the U.S. Financial Literacy and Education Commission, here is a comprehensive resource about saving, investing, basic economics, interest rates and related subjects: http://www.socialsecurity.gov/pubs/10035.html

Social Security Retirement Benefits

To learn all about Social Security retirement benefits, including eligibility, when benefits can begin, benefits for your family and more, see http://www.socialsecurity.gov/pubs/10035.html

Building a Better Credit Report

See the Federal Trade Commission’s fine site:


California Department of Insurance

Information about all kinds of insurance.

See our website.

For written guides about various types of insurance (written in English and Spanish) see http://www.insurance.ca.gov/0100-consumers/0010-buying-insurance/0060-information-guides/

Assets for Independence Program (for CBOs offering Asset Building)

Assets for Independence (AFI) enables community-based nonprofits and government agencies to implement and demonstrate an assets-based approach for giving low-income families a hand up out of poverty. AFI projects help participants save earned income in special-purpose, matched savings accounts called Individual Development Accounts (IDAs).

For more information, see our website.

Junior Achievement

JA Worldwide is the world’s largest organization dedicated to educating students about workforce readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy through experiential, hands-on programs.

For more information, see our website!

Breakfreee.org — Economic Empowerment for Women

A free online literacy center for underserved women. See our website!