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Should You Walk Away From Your Taxes?

Here is an article about late or missing tax returns, from a blog at www.mint.com


Northbay Family Homes

Northbay Family Homes is a nonprofit housing developer working in Marin for over 30 years. Our mission is to facilitate homeownership opportunities and to help current homeowners retain their homes. NFH is a proactive leader and committed partner in developing affordable homes for the workforce.

Pre-Purchase Counseling Programs: NFH provides education and counseling to persons […]

REDF — Social Enterprise

REDF is a San Francisco-based organization providing financial and technical assistance to a select group of Bay Area nonprofits* to help them start, grow and sustain ‘social enterprises’ – businesses that sell products and services to the marketplace and employ people with the greatest barriers to work. Since 1997, over 3,500 young people and adults […]

Social Security — SSI (Supplemental Security Income) Program

The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program pays benefits to disabled adults and children who have limited income and resources. SSI benefits also are payable to people 65 and older without disabilities who meet the financial limits.

See our website

FDIC Warns against Foreclosure Fraud

Buyer Beware: Tips from the FDIC on How to Protect Against Foreclosure Frauds, Easy Money Schemes and Other Costly Deals

Many people concerned about their mortgage, their job or their finances may be especially vulnerable to scams and other costly “fixes” for their problems. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation today issued a variety of tips […]