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Financial Self-Defense: Choosing a Financial Advisor

From the CFP Board, (www.cfpboard.org) important tips to help the public:

Identify common “red flags” that signal an unethical or unqualified financial advisor, Learn what they can do to protect themselves, Take the steps required to select a qualified financial advisor, and Feel empowered when making financial decisions with the help of an advisor.

See […]

FinReg: The new Financial Reform Legislation

The sweeping financial reform bill is now a law. While most people know what it’s supposed to mean for Wall Street banks, fewer, perhaps, understand what it will mean for consumers.

The bill includes measures that will provide the Feds with new power, allow the government to shut down large financial companies on the verge […]

Medi-Cal Vision Care benefits

New vision care benefits are available. See http://www.dhcs.ca.gov/individuals/Pages/VisionCareFAQs.aspx

New Blog: Tips from NAPFA Financial Advisors

FiGuide and the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) have teamedd up to provide a great, up-to-date resource addressing common financial issues. See http://www.figuide.com/napfa

Economic Security Index for Elders in Marin – UCLA Study

See http://healthpolicy.ucla.edu/eess0910_pdf/Marin.pdf for an estimate of the basic income needed to make ends meet for retired perons age 65 and over and in good health, in Marin County.