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National Association of Estate Planners and Councils

This public estate and financial resource is design to be the “go to” site for high quality up-to-date personal estate and financial planning information. It is brought to you by The NAEPC (National Association of Estate Planners & Councils) Education Foundation a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to improving financial awareness and financial literacySM.


Sections of […]

Student Loan Information


FinAid was established in the fall of 1994 as a public service. This award-winning site has grown into the most comprehensive source of student financial aid information, advice and tools — on or off the web.

Access to FinAid is free for all users and there is no charge to link to the site.


Children’s Financial Network

Who We Are

Children’s Financial Network, Inc. (CFN) is a company dedicated to worldwide financial literacy through the education of our youth and their parents about money and the values and life skills they’ll need to be successful in the world. Financial education is one of the critical keys to success. We actively make our […]