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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Nursing Home Abuse

Here are two resources if you are in a nursing home or checking out nursing homes:

http://canhr.org/ – California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform


Mymoney.gov — Many Free Financial Education Resources

Sponsored by the U.S. Financial Literacy and Education Commission, http://www.mymoney.gov provides a broad array of information about home finance, credit and credit cards, scams, investing, self-employment and other financial subjects.

California Senior Legal Hotline

For advice on legal matters for people over 60 years old, see http://seniorlegalhotline.org/

Elder Financial Abuse – EFPN

Our Mission

Elder Financial Protection Network (EFPN) works to prevent financial abuse of elders through innovative partnerships that build public awareness, drive community outreach and provide professional training.

See our website and for additional help see http://www.bewiseonline.org/con/report/index.shtml

Marin County Office of the District Attorney

The State of California – State and Consumer Services Agency

400 R Street, Suite 3090
Sacramento, CA 95814-6200


March 2002
Statutory Update, November 2002

“Credit identity theft”, “identity theft” and “identity fraud”. All of these terms describe the theft of a consumer’s personal identification and credit information and the thief’s use of this information to gain access to the consumer’s credit and bank accounts and take over the consumer’s credit identity.

Credit identity theft is a growing problem in California and nationally. The Federal Trade Theft Commission ranks California fourth nationally in reported identity theft cases per capita.1 The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse estimates that there are approximately 500,000 cases of identity theft nationally per year. The California Legislature has declared that identity theft is the fastest growing white collar crime in the nation.2 (Read more)