MoneySmart is the Financial Education program of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. It was started in 2001 and provides financial educators with substantial resources to provide financial education in their communities. See
Money Smart Train-the-Trainer Videos: What’s New
The FDIC’s train-the-trainer videos for instructors who teach the Money Smart curriculum for adults have been updated and enhanced to align with recent revisions to the program. The videos are available in English and Spanish. In addition, the FDIC has released the first train-the-trainer video for instructors teaching the Money Smart for Young Adults curriculum. All the videos help instructors learn how to use the instructor guide, become familiar with the student materials, and employ effective strategies for teaching the curriculum. The videos also are excellent supplements to the Guide to Presenting the Money Smart Curriculum, which is on every instructor-led CD. The videos can be viewed at
GAO Study Features Best Practices Reported in Financial Education
The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), an independent agency working for the Congress, recently released a report that outlines the current body of knowledge relating to methods and strategies for improving financial education and discusses the feasibility of a process for certifying financial literacy providers. Financial educators may be especially interested in the report’s collection of viewpoints from experts and practitioners on best practices in financial literacy programs. View a summary or the full report at
Award Winners Announced for Excellence in Serving Low- and Moderate-Income Consumers
The FDIC has announced the recipients of the 2011 Chairman’s Award for Excellence, which recognizes individuals at FDIC-insured financial institutions who have worked creatively and responsibly to serve the credit and deposit needs of low- and moderate-income (LMI) consumers. To learn more about the recipients and the products and programs they are involved in, go to
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