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FiGuide.com – Unbiased Investment and Personal Finance Information


Sponsored by the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors, this site provides articles, written primarily by Certified Financial Planners, about family finances, education financing, IRAs and retirement plans, taxes, stocks and bonds and more.


Marin Family Action

Get help with your credit and with advice on home ownership and mortgages. See http://www.marinfamilyaction.org/

North Bay Family Homes

Northbay Family Homes (NFH) is a non-profit organization with a mission to support affordable housing for local families. Since 1978, we’ve helped to make the dream of homeownership a reality – assisting in the creation of homes for more than 4,000 local families.

NFH also helps families facing home foreclosures.  See http://www.nfh.org/

NACA Neighborhood Assistance Corp. of America

Practical advice and instruction on how to fight bank foreclosures. See



Articles, tools and calculators to help you make better fianncial decisions.


Current interest rates on mortgages, lines of credit, credit cards, money market funds, certificates of deposit and much more. Visit us!


America Saves is a nationwide campaign in which a broad coalition of nonprofit, corporate, and government groups helps individuals and families save and build wealth. Through information, advice, and encouragement, we assist those who wish to pay down debt, build an emergency fund, save for a home, save for an education, or save for retirement.

See our website, www.americasaves.org.

Walletpop.com – Advice, Articles, Calculators, and More

See www.walletpop.com for information, articles and advice on credit, budgeting, taxes, insurance, investing, mortgages and more!


Practical advice on paying down debt and becoming a saver.

Financial education at https://powerpay.org/education/. Home loan and other calculators at https://powerpay.org/calculators/. Other useful links!

Smart Hippo for Mortgage Information

Smart Hippo.com is a  website that offers advice on mortgages and helps visitors shop for mortgages. See http://www.smarthippo.com/