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This public estate and financial resource is design to be the “go to” site for high quality up-to-date personal estate and financial planning information. It is brought to you by The NAEPC (National Association of Estate Planners & Councils) Education Foundation a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to improving financial awareness and financial literacySM.
Sections of this site are devoted to specific women’s issues, specific men’s issues and issues around children. See especially their index of topics at http://www.estateplanninganswers.org/full-content-library/
FinAid was established in the fall of 1994 as a public service. This award-winning site has grown into the most comprehensive source of student financial aid information, advice and tools — on or off the web.
Access to FinAid is free for all users and there is no charge to link to the site.

FinAid has earned a stellar reputation in the educational community as the best web site of its kind. It’s comprehensive, it’s informative, it’s objective — and it’s the first stop on the web for students looking for ways to finance their education.
Who We Are
Children’s Financial Network, Inc. (CFN) is a company dedicated to worldwide financial literacy through the education of our youth and their parents about money and the values and life skills they’ll need to be successful in the world. Financial education is one of the critical keys to success. We actively make our material available to schools both public and private, as well as after-school programs and community based organizations. Our Chairman is Neale S. Godfrey who, after a successful career in the financial world, founded CFN.
What We Offer
CFN provides a wide range of services and products focused on financial education. In addition to our adult and children’s books and our supplemental elementary school curriculum, we can provide keynote presentations, seminars, marketing and product consultation, as well as support for public relations programs.
CFN provides a wide range of services and products focused on financial education. In addition to our adult and children’s books and our supplemental elementary and middle school curriculum, we can provide keynote presentations, seminars, marketing and product consultation, support for website development, as well as support for public relations programs. See http://www.finaid.org/
Earned Asset Resource Network has announced a new program to incentivize kids and their parents to begin a savings program for college. See http://www.earn.org/site/index.php
Information for Parents
Job Corps is the nation’s largest career technical and education program for young people of at least 16 years of age. A voluntary program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor, Job Corps provides eligible young men and women with an opportunity to gain the experience they need to begin a career or advance to higher education.
Your son or daughter should consider joining Job Corps because:
- Students can earn a high school diploma, a GED, or college credits through Job Corps.
- Job Corps offers career technical training in more than 100 career areas.
- Students receive housing, meals, basic health care, a living allowance, and training and preparation for a career – all at no cost.
- For up to 18 months after graduation from Job Corps, students will get help from Job Corps to make the transition into the real world.
For more information, please see our Parents Guide to Job Corps (1,427 kb PDF file) or call (800) 733-JOBS.
The Bay Area location for Job Corps is at Treasure Island. See http://treasureisland.jobcorps.gov/home.aspx
This is the second school year for Money Smart for Young Adults (MSYA), the FDIC’s financial education curriculum introduced in April 2008 for instructors to use to teach youths in the 12 to 21 age group, In this issue, Money Smart News is sharing some early success stories as well as some strategies that can help educators reach this crucial target audience. (Read the stories and tips.)
First convened in December, 1995, the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy determined that the average student who graduates from high school lacks basic skills in the management of personal financial affairs. Many are unable to balance a checkbook and most simply have no insight into the basic survival principles involved with earning, spending, saving and investing.Many young people fail in the management of their first consumer credit experience, establish bad financial management habits, and stumble through their lives learning by trial and error. The Coalition´s direct objective is to encourage curriculum enrichment to ensure that basic personal financial management skills are attained during the K-12 educational experience. The wheels of education do not need to be reinvented, they simply require balance. See our website for more information!
JA Worldwide is the world’s largest organization dedicated to educating students about workforce readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy through experiential, hands-on programs.
For more information, see our website!
Since 1977, The Stock Market Game program has served over eleven million students by transporting them into the real world of investing while learning academic concepts that relate to their entire core curriculum. Students in grades 4-12 buy into the process through active involvement. Students work in teams practicing leadership, organization, negotiation, and cooperation. As they work to grow their $100,000 virtual cash accounts into a top-performing portfolio, they develop strong interests in the daily events that shape our world. And, they barely realize how much math, economics, business, language arts and social studies they are learning. Students compete against their classmates as well as other schools so they see the program as “fun.”
No prior knowledge of the stock market is needed! The Stock Market Game program provides lessons that teachers weave into their existing plans that give difficult concepts an easy-to-understand, real-life spin. A wealth of on-line resources and materials is provided to registered teachers. Training and support is available through a weekly webinar series.
Now your students will have the opportunity to learn about how savings and investing work while learning and applying core curriculum in an engaging and memorable way. The Stock Market Game meets national standards and has been correlated to California state standards in math, economics, social studies, English language arts, business education, and technology.
Provided FREE to teachers thanks to grant funding!
For more information, see http://smg2000.org/cgi-bin/haipage/page.html?tpl=coordinator/index and http://smg2000.org/
We offer a number of financial education programs geared toward students. For additional information, call toll-free 866-515-2227 or see this webpage (bottom)